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Kenworth Motor Truck Company - company history

The name of the brand and the company comes from the abbreviations of the names of its founders: Kent and Worthington - "Ken" + "worth" → "Kenworth".

Kenworth is a brand name of an automotive company that specializes in the production of medium and heavy trucks, tractor units, truck chassis and dump trucks.

Kenworth enterprises are located in the USA, Canada, Australia and Mexico and are subsidiaries of the multinational corporation Paccar Inc.

The Kenworth Motor Truck Company was founded in 1923 from the production base of the Gersix Motor Co. as a joint stock company by American entrepreneurs Harry Kent and Edgar Worthington in Seattle, Washington. The plant immediately began production of trucks under the Kenworth brand. In 1924, 80 light vehicles were built and sold, a year after the foundation, two trucks a week were already assembled on the line.